Sunday, August 07, 2016

On the Quest to a Lesser Me: Month Seven (Next Station: Stagnation?)

Yes, I know... I haven't posted in over two months (with the exception of last night's little writing exercise) and it's technically month eight, but considering that this is more of a retrospective, let's just not question it, okay? 
Now, as with all of these entries (or pretty much anything I write), this isn't meant as something you should model your life after. Just because something does or does not work for me, that doesn't mean that the same applies to you. If you're looking to lose weight or tone up or maintain weight, it's important to figure out what works or doesn't work for you. Besides, I can't necessarily claim to have always gone about this journey in the best way possible. 
With 5-15 kg/11-33 lbs left until I reach my goal weight range, which I still refuse to disclose openly on my blog, it seems that my body has decided to step on the brakes ever so slightly. Yes people, we are nearing the land of Stagnation. Just in case you've never been, it's a magical place that manages to lure in plenty of visitors right before they reach their desired destination. Unfortunately, it is also a place that is easy to get lost in and, in many cases, people simply lose hope and return to their point of departure or to places that are even farther away. If you belong to the group of people who have never had to pass through Stagnation or whose route took them nowhere near it, lucky you, this clearly isn't meant for you. 
I, however, have been mentally and emotionally preparing for this moment ever since I started this journey. And before you get all uppity and say "Bettina, why do you always to be so pessimistic?!" I want you think about this for just a second...or five: The more you weigh, the more calories you need, the more calories you burn just by existing. Now, when you start to lose weight, your body naturally doesn't need as much fuel, meaning it will start to use less fuel. Unless I decide to introduce bigger changes into my nutrition and exercise program, unless I find ways to increase my muscle mass, my body's going to become complacent. For a while at least. It's essentially like nearing a black hole. We all want to know what's on the other side of one, but since we don't even know if there is an "other side," we prefer to stay at a very comfy distance from it. I'm not entirely sure that that analogy made sense, but it did in my head, so I'm going with it. And no, I'm not saying we should try to send people through black holes Hunger Games-style. Through luck of the draw or winning the lottery. 
So no, preparing for my weight to come to a halt isn't me being pessimistic, it's me being realistic. The odds, one might say, are not necessarily in my favor. In fact, I'm surprised that I made it this far as quickly as I did. I barely lost anything during the first month, I've had to (and still have to) deal with several health issues along the way, both expected (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) and unexpected (elevated uric acid levels which could and actually still might lead to gout), so even if I do hit my very own metaphorical wall, I already have plenty to be proud of. 
Will I still get frustrated when, or if, it happens? Of course! I would dare say that the closer I get to my goal weight, the more frustrated I'm going to be. Will I get mad? Ehh...probably. Will I give up? No. I haven't come this far and accomplished so much to just throw in the towel when the going gets tough because, let's face it, the going is pretty much always tough. I've shed so much blood, sweat and tears (and I mean that literally) that I refuse to let that wall stop me. I will find a way over, around or even through it, even it means putting in 3/6/9/12+ months of hard work with little to no results. 
Giving up is rarely an option for me. In pretty much all areas of life. Sure, sometimes I have to cut my losses or be a bit creative with my approach or even come up with plans B/C/D/E/etc., but as long as I haven't tried or done the best I can, I refuse to surrender. What an uplifting ending to this entry, right? I just made it sound like I'm going to war or something else similarly epic, which might actually be true on some level... 
Thank you for reading (to those of you who do actually stumble across these entries) and hopefully, I can finally get my act together and post more regularly! And take care on your own personal journeys!       

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