Sunday, January 14, 2007

Shake ya moneymaker, like somebody 'bout to pay ya

So yeah, confusing title, but it's a line from Ludacris's song "Moneymaker", which I had the immense pleasure of listening to this morning. I just don't know which moneymaker Ludacris was talking about yet...
I also got to brave the cold world in shorts and a T-shirt this morning, mainly because of a semi-emergency. It actually felt pretty good...

So, what else has been going on? I have been slowly withdrawing myself from others because I don't want to be a bother. Most of my friends have their own lives and they don't need someone like me to throw myself at them. If this sounds like I'm depressed, sorry, but I don't feel overly depressed. I'm just saying. I just don't feel like pushing people I love away from me by smothering them in every way imaginable. It also seems that most people could do without my love, so now I'm just trying to figure a few things out. This is mainly an observation.

On a slightly different note, the spring semester starts on Tuesday and even though I had told one of my friends that I would visit him before the end of the break, I started thinking about it and not only am I lacking in the money department, I also don't want to overdo it and get on his nerves. He has told me that this is not the case several times already, but I also know that every person has his/her limits. It is mainly a money issue though.
Huh...that wasn't on as different of a note as I had originally intended it to be.

Some other observations: My body hurts a lot more when I sleep without my mask. I am starting to get fed up with my "special" room mate again. Life just doesn't have much appeal to me anymore. I used to think that getting married would be so significant in my life, but I'm beginning to think that I could very well do without it. On the other hand, I still want to have children.

Hmm, I guess that's it from me...for now at least.

Take care everyone,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jedesmal wenn ich auf Deinen Blog gehe und Deine Posts lese werde ich ziemlich wütend. Ich frage mich warum wir Dich studieren lassen, wenn Du eigentlich garnicht leben willst. Das Geld könnten wir uns sparen! Muß ich das jetzt unterschreiben, oder weist Du diesmal wer es ist!?!