Saturday, February 10, 2007

This week's score: Bettina: 1...Death: 0

Yes! I have managed to survive yet another week.
Sooo, let's see what I have to report...
Monday went over pretty normal. Tuesday did quite a number on me because I thought I knew where I had put my meds, but I just couldn't find them until after I had managed to make it home relatively safely and slightly shaking. Damn anxiety disorder... All I have to say is: NO MORE SNOW! Note that I am writing this after having checked and finding out that there is a forecast for even more snow early next week. Ummm...Wednesday I was 15 minutes late for my Japanese class, which really got to me because I had a chapter quiz that day. Oddly enough, I still managed to be the first to finish the quiz. Nothing much happened yesterday...wait...oh yeah, I nearly killed myself yesterday! On campus, several of the buildings have very smooth steps, which become dangerously slippery with only a few drops of water on them (okay, it takes a bit more than a few drops...). Anyway, I managed to nearly break my neck walking down one of them and almost bust my knee open walking up another set of those stairs. Then I nearly sprained my ankle because I am completely incapable of walking...on grounds covered with unevenly pressed-down snow. Well, as for today, I woke up with a sore arm, which was caused by me sleeping on the tube of my sleep mask. Unfortunately, I also woke up ten minutes later than usual, but oh well... What else... I had my first midterm exam (Japanese) today, which is kind of early in the semester, but since I have two midterm exams for Japanese, I guess it works.
Well, I think that pretty much covers my week. I am also quite happy to be watching "Dirt" again. "Dirt" is a show with Courtney Cox Arquette that deals with the world of gossip and tabloids and well...dirt. It's actually pretty good. It has interesting characters, storylines, and like FX's other series "Nip/Tuck", it manages to push the boundaries of what "regular" television has to offer. In addition to that, it reintroduces us to Paul Reubens, who has a recurring role as the main character's former mentor.
Huh...I think I'm done. For now at least...

Talk to you later,

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