Friday, December 29, 2006

Quizzes Galore...Part One

Hey people,

Well, this is my more upbeat post...finally.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas.
Enjoy these test results, take these tests, let me know about your results, and yeah, I'll try and write about something more relevant next time (or simply at a later time).

Take care,

You Are Strawberry Pocky

Your attitude: fresh and sweet

Comforting, yet quirky ... quietly hyper

You always see both sides to everything

You Are Best Described By...


by Salvador Dali

You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...

But too damn weird to do anything about it!

You Are a Lemon Margarita

Sour, tangy, and overpowering, you tend to give people a jolt back into reality.

While you don't sugar coat things, you're honest - which is actually quite refreshing.

Your Pickup Line Is

What's a sexy hottie like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?

Star Wars Horoscope for Cancer

You may whine at times, but you've developed a thick hard shell (like that of a crab).

You are strong willed and persistent - until you get what you want.

You never shy away from a fight, even when things get dangerous.

Mentally sharp, you are starting to master the elements of mind manipulation.

Star wars character you are most like: Luke Skywalker

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