Monday, March 04, 2013

Much-needed Update

Hey everybody, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I know you've gone with longer periods of radio silence, but still. I haven't posted in so long because I wanted to prep some countdown posts for my blog, but I can't seem to focus or get my internet to cooperate with me long enough to get much of anything accomplished. In addition to that, school has taken over most of my daily life (as it should). So what's been going on with me? A cold, mostly. Oh, and research for my two papers that are due by the end of this month. Of course, there's always K-Pop to listen to...oh, but guys don't even know about that development, do you? Well, that is unless you've been paying attention to my Facebook or have actually been around me these last few months. Anyways, the plan for the next few posts will be a series of countdowns. They should be very video-heavy, and hopefully, quite enjoyable. Also in the works, videos of yours truly. Yes, I want to try and post videos of myself. Why? Because I'm that self-absorbed. I don't know. Look forward to all the fun! Take care, Bettina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

warum muss dieser typ immer seinen kommentar, der eigentlich keiner ist, abgeben?
Im Übrigen ist es bereits Mai 2013 und keine updates mehr.....?!!!