Sunday, October 29, 2006

Something Gorier Than The Bloodiest Horror Movie

Well, just when you thought you were safe, something pops up and grabs you from behind, or in this case, lays in the toilet bowl and waits to be discovered...
As some of you might recall, I am having issues with one of my roommates. Well, that most certainly hasn't changed...but it does seem like he's trying to outdo himself every now and then.
So, what did he do yesterday? First, when I informed him of his current debt, he pretty much snapped back: "You already told me that". Of course, this was what it sounded: "Would you shut up already?! I don't want to deal with you or my debt. You're getting my (expletively deleted) nerves".
I almost took his head off for that response, but instead I just told him: "No, I didn't tell you about the most current amount you owe...but don't worry, it will increase". Of course, I used the most appropriate tone I could without yelling at him or beating him up for that.
Now, getting back to the toilet...
My boyfriend was on his way to bed and needed to use the bathroom upstairs, when, all of sudden, he asked me to come upstairs with a really worried look on his face. Since he was looking at the bathroom, I thought that my "special" roommate had, yet again, left the bathroom door open and the toilet lid up, which pisses me off enough as it is... However, I shouldn't be so lucky this time because as I walked closer to the bathroom, I saw that this jerk had managed to not flush the toilet, so I could practically tell what he had had to eat. The thing that made it even more disgusting was that there was absolutely no toilet paper in the toilet bowl...
So yeah, I had a fun end to my day.
Sorry if I ruined anyone else's day...

Take care everyone and ja mata,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm starting to think your house-guest is mentally challenged. ;)