Sunday, September 24, 2006

Whoo! More links

Well, I finally managed to add on two more links to my links section. The first one is listed as "I am a Japanese Teacher", which is a mostly amazingly funny set of stories written by a young man, who entered the JET program (which allows you to go overseas as an assistant teacher...well, that's one of JET's programs) and was sent to Japan. So, these stories are the incredible experiences that this man has while teaching in Japan.
The second new link is listed as "Chris in Japan", which is pretty self-explanatory, much like the aforementioned link... Chris is a good friend of mine, who will be spending some time studying in Japan, so he has decided to document his adventures abroad via the internet.
Actually, Chris is the person who had originally sent me the "I am a Japanese Teacher" link. So, here I am spreading the wealth...
Ah well, it's late, I'm tired and still in pain, so I guess I'll talk some more at a later time.

Take care, everyone.

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