Monday, May 01, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad and Sis!

Well, it's that time of year again...oh wait, this blog didn't exist at this time last year...hmmm. Anyway, on May 1st, my father turned 50 years old and on May 2nd, my younger sister turned 17. However, I don't think that they got the memo on how old they are actually supposed to be...
My father can't make up his mind if he wants to be 3, 8, or 110, and my sister thinks she can act and talk like a 25-35 year old, but still get the perks of being a minor.
Don't get me wrong, I love both of them...on some level or other. They have just been at each other's throats for way too long now, and neither of them wants to make compromises... I'm just happy that they have entered a stalemate. It is very sad that I am so worn out by this "war" because I don't live with my family anymore!
Okay, all of that ranting can be left for another day because this is supposed to be a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" message. So, again, happy birthday Dad and Sis (most you probably already know her name)! I hope that you both have a good year!
And with that, I will end this message because I have babysitting to attend to.

So, take care ya'll.

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