Saturday, February 25, 2006


I am so happy! I'm not quite sure why I'm so happy about this, but I finally got around to editing my links section, so have fun people! Right now, I've been going through lists of fellow bloggers to see who else is out there. So far, it's been quite interesting...I can't complain.
Other news: I'm still trying to get this cold out of my system. Ummm, my boyfriend and I have a new roommate...he's a mutual friend of ours. I really really want to go to Anime Central in May, but I don't know if I'll be able to get the money together in time. *sad, sad*
Oh well, enough of my bitching. I'll try to write another post later.

Kisses minasan


Emily said...

I've never been to a con before. I was going to go to a big one in Paris while I was there but it turned out to be the EXACT weekend my dad was visiting. My dad's first time in Europe and we spend it all inside an anime-cluttered hotel? Don't think so...thus it didn't work out.

Do you have AIM or YahooIM?

Susi said...

hiho,jetzt war ich doch neugierig und hab mal geschaut wer mir da geschrieben hat ^_____^

viele grüße,
susi ^^