Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Comment to a Comment

Okay, I know that the most recent came from you Mom, even if you comment as "Anonymous". So, this is what I think of your comment: No, my blog is not just to complain and drown in self-pity...there just happen to be more bad things happening than good right now. Would you like for me to talk about my sex life? Just kidding...
Anyway...about my backbone: I have a pretty big bruise sitting on my backbone, so no wonder I can hardly sit or walk or lay...
Well, that's enough from me today.
Take care everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Das Leben ist schön, auch wenn manchmal nicht alles so läuft, wie man es sich erhofft. Erwachsenen geht das auch so...
außerdem weist Du, dass Du geliebt wirst, das ist doch schon die beste Hälfte des Lebens, oder nicht?!!!