And it is only Wednesday!! Oh. My. GOSH! Even though for some people the week starts with Sunday (e.g.: my boyfriend - which I absolutely don't mind, even if it sounds like it), my week always starts with Monday, so of course, I will start off with Monday in this post.
Since I have been slowly, but surely, regaining my self-discipline, I have gotten back in the habit of doing something good for my body every single day, even if it's just walking to the mailbox. I am also starting to get into the spirit of spring cleaning, which of course meant cleaning up the mold and mildew that had managed to settle itself in my poorly ventilated and insulated townhouse apartment. Luckily, I had a bottle of mildew/mold remover sitting in the apartment, ready to use. So, I started spraying the solution on the window sills, and the more visible spots. I was very happy with the results because 97% percent (maybe more) of the spots went away. However, while working on a spot that my parents had pointed out (it was hidden in the most unreachable corner of the apartment), I decided that it would be a good idea to move the couch because I know from previous experience with mold that it can spread like a bitch (sorry). And boy, did I have a "Why did I have to be right" moment! This was because the mold had managed to spread...and how!! I am sorry that I don't have any pictures, but I wanted as few people to see the mess as possible, and I know that my mother also reads my blog, so I really didn't feel like giving her a heart attack. The wall behind the couch actually looked like death had decided to take over this apartment... So, I ended up having these mixed feelings of being pissed off at management for not making these apartments at least minimally better, being pissed at myself for not taking care of this sooner, and feeling extremely sick.
The end of this story, I ended up using the whole bottle of mildew/mold remover, not being able to completely remove some spots, and still having one whole room left to spray. After seeing that huge spot, I couldn't stop spraying until the whole bottle was empty and my hands were almost numb.
As messy as my parents think I am, when I set my mind into cleaning mode, I clean everything and I clean it well. I am quite the meticulous person...sometimes.
Now on to yesterday...
I had another babysitting assignment, which I was looking forward too, but I was also extremely exhausted and dealing with the fact that as much as I had aired out the apartment, the remover smell still didn't want to leave the bathroom. The reason for this: The ventilation in that room sucks, the fan doesn't suck out as much of the moisture as it should, and it is one, if not the only, main reason why there was so much mold in the apartment. Anyway, back to babysitting. I picked up one of my charges, and of course he started heading out the door immediately, even though we still had to pick up his sister. So, I finally got the little man to turn around head back to his sister's main room, but she wasn't there! My only thought was: "Oh shit! This cannot be happening! I am such a bad person!" However, Michael (I changed his name for this) couldn't keep still, plus he had an ear infection, so I went "home" (his home) with him. The whole time I was thinking about his sister and trying to tell myself that she could make it home by herself (they only live two minutes away from the school, and she incredibly capable and independent for her age - she is 8). I then had issues finding Michael's medication, well, the one directly for the ear infection, so I could only give him children's ibuprofen. I tried to call his mother to ask her where the other medication was, and if Shannon, Michael's sister, had been picked up by her father (the parents recently got divorced). No such luck though because the long distance phone service had been shut off, the mother's cell phone was registered as a long distance number, and she never gave me her work number. Naturally, Michael thought it would be a great idea to play with the phones, so I decided to go back to the school and ask the front office where Shannon could be. Michael and I walk back to the school, go to the office, ask if anyone has seen Shannon, and pretty much everyone draws a blank. Fortunately, one of the people I asked during my first visit informed me that Shannon was in Spanish class, which was right next to her main classroom. *smack against forehead* Boy, did I feel stupid! I was quite relieved though too... Michael and I did have to wait for her though, and Michael used that time to take me on a tour through the half the school... Finally, Shannon's class was over and all three of us walked to their house. After checking almost every place in the kitchen, I did manage to locate Michael's other medication, and after having him take it, play with the phones some more, hiding them, and him throwing a temper tantrum of unusual proportions (for him, that is), I gave him a Capri-Sun and convinced him to go downstairs to watch a DVD or do something like that.
This was before I saw the furniture and electronic equipment changes. I couldn't hook up the DVD and Laser Disc player because Michael had been playing around with it previously, so the mother's boyfriend had to secure everything. Michael then used that chance to bug his sister and try to make her play with the V-Smile, but she didn't want to play because Michael is quite hyperactive and he wouldn't be watching her anyways. They started the have a fight over whether the TV and V-Smile should be on or off, and after pulling him out of the playroom several times before that, I saw that their fight was starting to get pretty physical. Now, if they were my siblings, I would have said "Fight, but shut up." because they are old enough to know better and I don't have to take the responsibility for them anymore. The only time I step in is if they get loud, they get so physical that they endanger others, and/or they start threatening each other in a very serious manner. However, with these two, the fight was just starting to get out of control, so I removed Michael from the scene again. Unfortunately, things went much different than expected... Michael decided that with me half-holding him, it would be a fantastic time to squirm and struggle against me. So, what ends up happening? I tripped on the bricks that form the fireplace area, I fall and fall and fall - all with child - and trying to save Michael, I twist my "good" (right...I'll explain later) knee, injure my right leg, bang my left cheek onto something, and with all that effort, still wasn't able to completely save Michael from getting hurt. He ended up getting a small rugburn wound right under his eye area, and since his skin is still so...young, he was bleeding a little bit (whereas I have more "severe" wounds, but I wasn't bleeding at all) and he was crying even more than he had been when I was taking him out of the room. He didn't want me to wash the wound, put Neosporin on it, or a bandaid. He ended up crying so much that he had an asthma attack, so I had to put him on his nebulizer (or Nebulizer...I'm not sure). He calmed down after that, and because of being in the hospital at 1 a.m. on Tuesday morning (his ear infection) and having cried so much, he fell asleep shortly thereafter. His father also came over (Shannon called him because we couldn't reach their mother), and he wasn't mad at me or anything (he just wanted to see how serious the wound was), and he left after about 30 minutes.
So, yeah, that was my Tuesday... And as a result, I was beyond exhausted and in pain, so I slept throughout about the half of today, which is bad, but I considered it to be necessary, so I could regain all or most of my strength. It still hurts to walk, so I have now switched to exercises that wouldn't be putting to much pressure on my legs. Hopefully, my leg will heal relatively fast...
Anyway, enough from me for today.
Take care, minasan. Ja mata (until later).
This will be about me writing about anything that comes to my mind depending on my mood and the current events in my life. Of course, I will try my best to not be crude or offensive.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
I am so happy! I'm not quite sure why I'm so happy about this, but I finally got around to editing my links section, so have fun people! Right now, I've been going through lists of fellow bloggers to see who else is out there. So far, it's been quite interesting...I can't complain.
Other news: I'm still trying to get this cold out of my system. Ummm, my boyfriend and I have a new roommate...he's a mutual friend of ours. I really really want to go to Anime Central in May, but I don't know if I'll be able to get the money together in time. *sad, sad*
Oh well, enough of my bitching. I'll try to write another post later.
Kisses minasan
Other news: I'm still trying to get this cold out of my system. Ummm, my boyfriend and I have a new roommate...he's a mutual friend of ours. I really really want to go to Anime Central in May, but I don't know if I'll be able to get the money together in time. *sad, sad*
Oh well, enough of my bitching. I'll try to write another post later.
Kisses minasan
Explaining the Quote
Well, the quote, "You have pockets like a man.", came from my lovely and brilliant mother, when she was watching me empty the pockets of my jeans this past weekend. And honestly, she's right. I do have pockets like a man, but that's only because I only needed two or three small things out of my purse (Full Metal Alchemist bag...what?! It serves the same purpose...).
I know, I know, excuses, excuses, excuses. I just thought that the quote was funny...and quite true.
I know, I know, excuses, excuses, excuses. I just thought that the quote was funny...and quite true.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Waaaahhhh!!!! No, not Nick!
One of my guilty pleasures is watching Project Runway. For those of you who don't know what this show is about, it is about aspiring designers who have to go through a series of challenges and eliminations to determine who will win at the end. The finale includes the final three contestants who show off a sampling of their collection at the Olympus Fashion Week. The winner receives an article in Elle, an internship with Banana Republic, a Saturn Sky Roadster, and $100,000 to start a clothing line or something like that. Also, Heidi Klum is the host of this show. I don't know why I felt that was important...I like Heidi.
Anyway, in the episode today, the remaining five designers had to make one of their fellow contestants over. Chloe Dao won this challenge with her makeover look for fellow designer Nick Verreos, which is quite impressive considering the fact that this was her first time working on menswear. So, I'm happy for Chloe because she is really cute, nice and polite, and she definitely knows what looks good on a woman's body (and now also on a man's body).
However, I am incredibly upset that Nick got cut because he is one of my favorite designers. He should've made it into the final three...
Well, I will let my head hang for a little while...and comfort myself with some anime, Iron Chef, and Mel Brooks' movies.
That's all for now folks *sob* *sniffle* *sob*
Anyway, in the episode today, the remaining five designers had to make one of their fellow contestants over. Chloe Dao won this challenge with her makeover look for fellow designer Nick Verreos, which is quite impressive considering the fact that this was her first time working on menswear. So, I'm happy for Chloe because she is really cute, nice and polite, and she definitely knows what looks good on a woman's body (and now also on a man's body).
However, I am incredibly upset that Nick got cut because he is one of my favorite designers. He should've made it into the final three...
Well, I will let my head hang for a little while...and comfort myself with some anime, Iron Chef, and Mel Brooks' movies.
That's all for now folks *sob* *sniffle* *sob*
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