Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Movies to look forward to

Even though there are no new dreams to report, I have found out about some new movies that are scheduled to be released in the next year or so.
Well, let's get started:
In January/February 2006 - Underworld: Evolution
During 2006 (unknown dates) - Silent Hill
Resident Evil: Afterlife
Mortal Kombat: Devastation
DOA : Dead or Alive
For those of you who know their video games, you will notice that all of the movies, with the exception of Underworld: Evolution, are the live-action versions of...well, video games.
Of course, I can't neglect comics, so here are several movies that are to be released in 2006, 2007, and...on Dec. 2nd of this year.
These would be:
December 2nd, 2006 - Aeon Flux
2006 - X-Men 3
2007 - Wolverine
Well, that's all the news for now. I am also looking forward to the new Harry Potter movie, and hopefully my mother will want to watch it with Richard and me since I hardly get to see her, and I would like to do something with the two people that are close to my heart.
With this, I will say "Good bye" and "Good night", and yes Mom, I know that I should be getting sleep...I'm working on it...
So, take care everyone! Talk to you later!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bizarre but Possible

After many weeks of not being able to remember my dreams, I was finally able to remember one of my most recent dreams. I think this was on Sunday (or Monday), but I had a dream about my family putting together a bigger dinner. With Thanksgiving coming up, this makes sense. However, even my sister was there, who is 16 and currently not living under the same roof as the rest of my immediate family (more on that at a later time). Everything was so peaceful and happy, and at some point during this meal preparation, I noticed a baby. Hmm, well, seeing a baby in my family's household is odd because my mother can't and doesn't want to have any more children (nothing wrong with that), I can't afford to have any children at the moment (both literally and emotionally), and there weren't any other guests...period. So, who did this youngster belong too? Yep, my sister. In my dream, my sister had managed to get pregnant, hide this pregnancy from the world, and give birth to this infant.
Now, even though I thought that this was very strange, I can see it happening...
Either this dream is supposed to predict the future of my sister becoming a teenage mother or it might even signal a new beginning for...someone (babies are a symbol for change and new beginnings). If it is a symbol for a new beginning, hopefully my sister will come to her senses again and move back home to Mom (and Dad won't be such a jerk about it), and my family's household can look towards a brighter, happier, more positive and less worrysome future.
And with that, I will end this message and get ready to sleep. I have an early start (4 a.m.) and a long day tomorrow (well, today technically).
So, take care everyone, and I hope that my family and friends are doing well, and as a last note:

Get well soon, Adrienne!